Loans Credit Card Processor
If your business offers title loans or real estate loans, foreclosure services, Green Pay can set you up with a reliable payment processing solution. Offering your customers the ability to pay via credit or debit card is more convenient for them, and you are able to get paid more quickly and securely. Green Pay is the right choice for you because we have years of expertise when it comes to processing for merchants who have a high rate of chargebacks. We work with a wide network of banks that understand your business model, and we understand it as well.
In addition to our high approval rating and low processing rates, we have vast experience in preventing chargebacks, monitoring your account from fraud and making sure you have your funds when you need them. We work with businesses like yours everyday so let us walk you through the process so you can accept electronic payments easily.
Secure a Merchant Account for Your Loan Processing Company:
- Major credit & debit card acceptance
- Secure payment gateway and virtual terminal
- SSL secured & PCI compliant solutions
- Hassle free approval
- ACH & Echeck electronic check processing
- Great rates & FREE integration
- Same day funding
- 24/ Customer Relations and Tech Support
- Chargeback insurance available on all accounts
- & Much More
Points to consider before setting up a merchant account for title loans and real estate and title companies. Doing business in present times is easier than a few decades ago; but it has its share of challenges and issues. A convenient and efficient method of doing transactions online or over the counter is by using credit cards and debit cards like Visa, Mastercard, Discovery and Amex. For online transactions which are card not present payments and do not require a signature you will need to setup a merchant account.
Payment Processor for Real Estate & Loan Companies
A merchant account is a specialized bank account that allows you to accept credit card and debit card payments via a payment processor. Based on your needs you can choose between setting up a virtual terminal, or use API to be integrated into your existing system. Your recurring billing needs if any can also be considered before setting up a payment gateway. Securing a merchant account is not easy especially when you are related to the high risk industries of: Real estate and title companies, Title loans and loan services.
Because only those financially unstable resort to title loans and other loan services the instance of default is very high which is an unwelcome proposition to the acquiring bank. Furthermore, the innumerable government regulations too add to the risk. Real Estate and auto vehicle title companies, even normally all real estate dealings are considered risky because of the potential for legal disputes. In addition to that, these businesses are riddled with the common problems of defaulters, identity thefts and scams making them a risky proposition for the regular merchant account providers also. Thus, it is common for those applying for loans for risky businesses to be constantly met with rejection or been denied and shutoff.
Dont Get Declined, Shutoff or Closed
Rejection of your application is the most common reaction for loan processors and high risk business types. You might have already experienced your share of rejection after having spent a significant amount as application fees. If you have been denied/shutoff or closed by other credit card processors like PayPal, Stripe, Square and First Data who are known to be not very friendly to risky businesses, there is still hope for you. We are one of the few reliable and competent merchant account providers who deal with high risk accounts. We are aware of the risks and do not resort to statistical data like other providers who provide you a high-risk vs low-risk analysis and then convey their inability to help you. We have been in the industry for a long time and are equipped with staff that are friendly and knowledgeable.
MOTO / Phone / Telemarketing Merchant Services
Despite challenges like high chargebacks and the possibility of fraud becoming an online merchant is the way forward. It has become the prerogative of all businesses to rely on digital currency for even day-to-day transactions. With the help of a capable and experienced merchant account provider you can expand your business and reap benefits thereof. There are no standard rates when it comes to merchant accounts; each provider has his own criteria and reasons for the seemingly vast number of heads for which you pay fees. In general, rates are based on startup vs history to identify the profitability of a new business. While an established business can provide the required financial records startups have nothing to show. But any good service provider like us does not operate based on the high risk vs low factor alone. We are open to providing new ventures the push they require in a highly volatile economic situation. Thus, there are no application fees involved, no setup fees charged. Our experienced staff can help you with your application process.
Domestic and Offshore Options
Next arises the difficult question of whether you must open a domestic account or an offshore merchant account. The guidelines followed by underwriters vary from region nad region. Usually, businesses deemed risky have difficulty opening domestic accounts and forcing them to choose offshore options. We understand your predicament and open both domestic and offshore accounts. We liaise with multiple underwriting banks in various countries to avoid inconveniencing our clients at any time, irrespective of whichever account they choose. It is our moral responsibility to tell you that domestic accounts are more secure, come with lower rates but some risky businesses like real estate and title companies may have to look for offshore solutions. The benefits here are protection against inflation, privacy and diversification of credit card transactions outside the country.
Call us Today and Get Approved
Merchant account providers come with their own guidelines and rules and not all will be favorable for your business or startup. Hence, always make sure that you read the contract thoroughly and are aware of all the fees, rates and other hidden charges. Our representatives are happy to answer any questions you might have about our solutions for small, medium, and large business owners in every company size and industry imaginable. Please contact us for more information or to set up an account today.